kai's cottage many doors. which one though? TeamSDS Bookmarks Tools Contact Tools -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Overview ............................................................... [001] * Games .................................................................. [002] [001] Overview ________________________________________________________________________________ This place is where I'll be putting some of the random utilties I code that people might find helpful. [002] Projects ________________________________________________________________________________ nqk snippets - snippets that i've made that others might want to use. View on GitHub Blocky - lightweight docker based dns server, replaces Pi-Hole entirely. View on their site [003] Games ________________________________________________________________________________ PyxelLauncher - A Minecraft Launcher in under 25mb :3 Download on GitHub |\__/,| (`\ _.|o o |_ ) ) .______________________________________________________|_.(((___(((__/_./_._. \_____________________________________________________|_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_| l k3t (C) 2024 [this means nothing lol] | site design from kisslinux