kai's cottage many doors. which one though? TeamSDS Bookmarks Tools Contact Contact -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- need to get in touch? contact me through the methods below :3 Matrix - @k3t:nolongerkai.dev (not frequently active.) Discord - @nolongerkai Email - [email protected] (not frequently checked) GitHub - notquitek3t Shitter - @nolongerkai__ (two underscores.) for reference my username is usually along the lines of k3t and if not, nolongerkai. i'm also known as goose in TeamSDS/scammer.info. |\__/,| (`\ _.|o o |_ ) ) .______________________________________________________|_.(((___(((__/_./_._. \_____________________________________________________|_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_| l k3t (C) 2024 [this means nothing lol] | site design from kisslinux